Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Well Hello There.....

It has been a LONG time since I have posted anything on my blog! So much has been going on around here and I think things are finally getting back on track for me to start blogging again. My focus has changed while I have been away and I want to show that on my blog. Keep a look out for the look of my blog to change as well as the content. I have been cooking a lot lately and I am back on track to start dropping the weight I have gained. I want to share some of the yummy stuff I have been fixing with you. I am slowly starting to get back into crafting so that will still be on here as well. Sadly, we have lost two of our pooches since I last posted here and we have a new puppy. She is a handful, so be prepared for me to vent my puppy frustrations!! I hope ya'll stick with me, it's gonna be fun being back in blogland with ya!!


  1. Oh Kristina, What a wonderful surprise to see you back! I have missed you! You have made my day!
    :) Janice

  2. You made my day too girlie!! Can't wait to see what you've got up your sleeve with regard to recipes, crafting and puppy venting too!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox


I have to admit...I LOVE comments!! Thank you so much for stopping by my little piece of the world. Have a great day!